InterviewHero Blog

InterviewHero - Faqs

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InterviewHero Team

1. Why use InterviewHero instead of ChatGPT?

While leveraging the OpenAI API for our AI Interviewer, our primary objective is to generate top-notch interview questions tailored closely to the details in your job descriptions or resume. This approach not only ensures the provision of high-quality questions but also eliminates the hassle of consistently crafting or searching for well-formulated prompts to configure ChatGPT.

2. Is InterviewHero reliable?

While the AI Interviewer stands as a reliable tool for honing your interview skills, we acknowledge that generative AI is not flawless. Occasionally, the questions generated might deviate from the specifics outlined in your job descriptions, and the provided sample answers may not be entirely accurate. Our ongoing commitment is focused on minimising the error rate of the AI Interviewer, and we are actively working towards enhancing its precision.

3 How do I start a new interview session?

Just refresh the page! :-)

4. How do i give feedback?

You can either join our discord group or send a mail to hello at InterviewHero dot guru

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InterviewHero Team